W USAWildwater.com News: Don't Miss the Jr World Championships (July 17-21)
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Don't Miss the Jr World Championships (July 17-21)

and a GREAT opportunity to buy a Wildwater Boat

by John Pinyerd
USA Canoe/Kayak
Wildwater Committee Chairman Email: jpinyerd@usawildwater.com

July 5, 2007 -- Marietta, GA

Please make sure you plan on attending the Junior World Championships in Columbia, SC and Charlotte, NC July 17-21. For the complete schedule see: www.jwwc2007.com

This is also your chance to get a world class wildwater boat. Earlier this year, USA Wildwater made a plea to the visiting nations at the Jr. World to consider selling their boats in the USA. Well, it looks like our efforts have paid off as many of the visiting nations are planning on selling their at the conclusion of the Jr. Worlds (on Saturday, July 21st).

The last race of the season (i.e. like the Jr. Worlds) is a great time for to buy a nearly new boat at 50-70% of the price of a new one. I have brought many a boat back from Europe based on this principle. Even better is that this time the BOATS WILL BE HERE (at the Jr. Worlds)!

So don't miss this chance to get a great deal on a Wildwater boat and see the Jr. Worlds!

See the Want Ads page on the USAWildwater website for details about some of the boats.

And stay tuned to www.USAWildwater.com for all of your racing and training updates.

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